[solved] Why doesn't this pulse macro work?

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[solved] Why doesn't this pulse macro work?

Post by JoyfulRogue »

Code: Select all

 <MACRO id="a25">

   <MAIN repeat="x">   
   <KEYINPUT behaviour="PRESS" type="VIRTUAL_CODE" code="0x27"/>
  <KEYINPUT behaviour="RELEASE" type="VIRTUAL_CODE" code="0x27"/> 
    <WAIT time="25ms"/>
In notepad its ok. In games, half the time it presses the key on activation and does not release it so instead of controlled pulse its a permanent press.

How do I fix it to always press and release correctly?

Edit: this is the fix I was looking for. Macro makers, watch and learn:

Code: Select all

  <MACRO id="APulse50">


    <MAIN repeat="x">
      <KEYINPUT behaviour="PRESS" type="VIRTUAL_CODE" code="0x41"/>
      <WAIT time="150"/>
      <KEYINPUT behaviour="RELEASE" type="VIRTUAL_CODE" code="0x41"/>
      <WAIT time="25"/>

      <KEYINPUT behaviour="RELEASE" type="VIRTUAL_CODE" code="0x41"/>
release at the end fixes it
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