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Post by Ikonos »

I thought I would start a topic where people can post games that they have had success playing using kinesic mouse and that they enjoy playing. I have mostly been playing games like Diablo 3, Hearthstone, civilization 5 and some other small point and click games. I've tried playing rocket league but never really was successful at it. But thanks everybody that decides to post.
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Re: Games

Post by Zathras »

Yeah, great idea. Here are some I've played...

RPG Games (similar to Diablo 3)

Titan Quest
Drakensang Online

FPS/Puzzle Games

The Talos Principle
Portal & Portal 2
MagRunner: Dark Pulse
Polarity - just picked this one up for a buck on a Steam sale :)


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Fallout 4

The only thing about these last 2 is I believe I had to do some tinkering to get the controls set up exactly how I wanted. More so in Fallout 4 then Skyrim. If anyone needs assistance, post and I'll see if I can help.

Actually all these games I was able to play with a mouse & Project Iris... but I imagine you could play with Kinesic as well if you have full head movement.
Last edited by Zathras on Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Games

Post by Ikonos »

Zathras wrote:
Actually all these games I was able to play with a mouse & Project Iris... but I imagine you could play with Kinesic as well if you have full head movement.
it would be awesome if I could play it that way. However I have no function below my shoulders. Also I use the kinesic mouse RS which means I can't use Project Iris to fill in a few of those movements. I'm really hoping he comes out with a updated version soon, where the kinesic mouse would have indicators built into the program.
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Re: Games

Post by Zathras »

I don't have movement either, I use Quadjoy as my mouse. It's kind of expensive but maybe something you want to look into.
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Re: Games

Post by ABS »

Witcher 3
Middle earth - Shadow of mordor
Far cry 3
Watch dogs
Spec ops: the line
Deus Ex HR
All Borderlands
Max Payne 3
Hitman: Absolution
Fallout 4
Sniper elite 3
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
LA Noire
All Mass effects
Bioshock Infinite
Rage, but failed in the races, drove me nuts
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Re: Games

Post by Zathras »

ABS, can you elaborate on how you play a little? I was interested in trying a few of those but there seemed like way to many buttons. Just curious what your set up is like...
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Re: Games

Post by Ikonos »

Does anyone have a set up to be able to play games on a console like PlayStation or Xbox? I know this is only for computer but I was wondering if anyone played on them and if so how they do it?
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Re: Games

Post by ABS »

Zathras wrote:ABS, can you elaborate on how you play a little? I was interested in trying a few of those but there seemed like way to many buttons. Just curious what your set up is like...
Spinal cord injury, no triceps, no movement in fingers. I use my knuckles to type und for mouse klicks. I play with a cherry keyboard with soft switches. A logitech m570 trackball.
And of course kinesicmouse. WASD with head movements and facial expression to jump and weapon zoom.
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Re: Games

Post by shadowcatt »

Ikonos wrote:Does anyone have a set up to be able to play games on a console like PlayStation or Xbox? I know this is only for computer but I was wondering if anyone played on them and if so how they do it?
I play on xbox one with Kinesic mouse using the Titan one adapter through pc.
I use it in conjunction with a homebuilt controller. I'm a C6 quad so I have arm movement but no fingers.
I use KM to run the right stick and activate some buttons depending on the game.
with both of my hands I can hit about 3 buttons at once or one stick and 2 buttons.
This set up has allowed me to play all games. Played through all Halo games etc.
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Re: Games

Post by Ikonos »

That's pretty cool. I wish I could control both sticks at the same time however I have no movement below my shoulders so all I can utilize is a controller called quadstick. It lets me play some games like destiny, Lego games, Witcher 3, rocket league and a few others on PlayStation 4.
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